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A neuromodulator is an injectable treatment that targets the root cause of many facial wrinkles. These types of FDA-approved injections are made of botulinum toxin, a compound that modifies how a muscle behaves. When administered to the correct facial muscles, it provokes a relaxing effect that smooths the surface of the skin

Before and After Photos

FDA-approved neuromodulators include Botox, Dysport, Daxxify, and Xeomin- all capable of helping patients treat and prevent dynamic wrinkles from facial expressions. With just one simple treatment, it can take years off of one’s appearance and minimize the onset of more permanent wrinkles.

To combat wrinkles and find out which neuromodulator is best for your needs, contact True You Medical Aesthetic, located in San Jose, CA. Here, Dr. Thang Tran will assess your concerns and make recommendations that align with your skincare goals. As the head of True You, Dr. Tran is passionate about ensuring patients have a safe and satisfactory experience at his practice.

Call our office today at (408) 223-8818 or fill out our contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible to address your inquiry. 

How Neuromodulators Work

Neuromodulators like Botox, Dysport, Daxxify, and Xeomin interrupt nerve signals within facial muscles, causing the skin above to smoothen. Specifically, these injections impede acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter responsible for sending such signals. With this slight alteration, patients can expect a relaxing effect that is comfortable and creates natural-looking results. When administered by a professional with ample knowledge of facial muscle anatomy, you can enjoy a more refreshed, youthful look that does not interfere with your natural features. Botox, Daxxify, Xeomin, and Dysport are all formulated to enhance your beauty and create an anti-aging effect.

Treat Both Dynamic and Static Wrinkles

Dynamic wrinkles appear when you make certain facial expressions. For example, bunny lines beside your nose may appear when you scrunch it, nasolabial folds become more apparent when you frown, and forehead wrinkles fold when you raise your eyebrows. Over time, these dynamic wrinkles can become static wrinkles that remain permanently, even when your face is at rest. The goal of neuromodulator injections is to relax these dynamic lines, thus preventing them from becoming more permanent signs of aging. With a neuromodulator formula, you can also eliminate static wrinkles in the same manner. Injectors typically treat frown lines between the brows, the forehead, crow’s feet wrinkles, and even neck bands. Administering the appropriate amount is key to providing a subtle effect that creates softened, rejuvenating results.

Medical Uses for Neuromodulators

While neuromodulators are most commonly used for their dramatic anti-aging effects, the botulinum toxin within these formulations has been proven to be effective at treating a range of medical issues. Before discovering the cosmetic use for botulinum toxin, clinicians utilized it to treat an eye misalignment disorder called strabismus, excessive sweating disorders, migraines, and even muscular spasm disorders. (1) Research into this compound began in the 1970s, so clinicians have a vast amount of knowledge on how to use it safely and effectively.

Why Get Botox®?

Reduce wrinkles & facial creases
Treat conditions & body dysfunctions
Help prevent chronic migraines

The Differences Between Botox, Dysport, Daxxify, and Xeomin

Though these three brands share botulinum toxin as their main ingredient, there are some slight variations in the way they are manufactured. Factors such as their unique purification processes affect how long they can sustain results. Botox has been shown to maintain results for about 3 to 5 months, and Dysport results last for a similar timeframe. Researchers find that they have different standard recommendations regarding dosage and Dysport can diffuse more readily within the targeted facial muscle. (2) Xeomin, on the other hand, is one of the purest forms of botulinum toxin and does not contain any additional proteins. Because of its pure form, research suggests that it may be one of the most effective options that poses a reduced risk of causing an immune response. (3) Unlike Botox, Daxxify is known for its ability to create a “peptide glow” in the skin. It is not mixed with human serum albumin, a protein from donated human blood that serves as a preservative. Instead, it contains a type of peptide, which is similar to proteins but with smaller chains of amino acid molecules. This aspect of its formulation, alongside the higher dosage recommendations for Daxxify, makes it one of the most advanced neuromodulators on the market.


The best candidates for Botox, Dysport, Daxxify, or Xeomin are men and women who are looking for a simple way to temporarily combat their signs of aging and revive a more youthful skin texture. Neuromodulators are not suitable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. They are also not recommended for those with myasthenia gravis and other neuromuscular conditions. Finally, you should resolve any active skin infections or conditions before your appointment.

Personal Consultation

During your consultation at True You, Dr. Tran will assess the areas of your face you would like to address. If they think you could benefit from a neuromodulator, he will give you more details about his recommended treatment plan and instructions for skincare after this minor procedure. If you are open to other skin rejuvenation options, like dermal fillers, you will have a chance to inquire more to help you figure out if one of those options is right for you. Dermal fillers have the added benefit of providing volume to more hollowed areas of the face in addition to resolving wrinkles.

Thang D. Tran, MD, offers this popular cosmetic treatment to his patients at his private practice, True You Medical Aesthetic, located in San Jose, California. Call the office at (408) 223-8818 or book an appointment online to learn more.


Before your session, Dr. Tran will review the list of current medications and supplements you are currently taking. You should make adjustments by avoiding blood thinners at least a few days before your appointment. Doing so will help prevent post-treatment bruising and/or bleeding. On the day of, you should arrive with a clean face and no makeup. Dr. Tran will cleanse it once again before administering the neuromodulator to the specific areas of your face you want to address.

Treatment Steps

Though neuromodulator injections may seem straightforward, they require a specialized set of skills to create beautifying results. Once Dr. Tran cleanses your face, he will ask you to make various facial expressions to accurately identify where each muscle is located.

He will then mark the locations he plans to inject. For example, to resolve crow’s feet wrinkles, he will target muscles known as the orbicularis oculi that encircle each eye. To treat frown lines, he will inject precise locations of a group of depressor muscles called the glabellar complex. Upon making contact with these muscles, they will slightly elevate in response, subtly lifting the skin in highly specific areas. The forehead muscle, or frontalis, is an elevator muscle, so it responds to neuromodulators differently. To smooth out lines in this area, Dr. Tran will treat this area with only a small amount of botulinum toxin to avoid creating a descending effect.

Dr. Tran uses ultra-fine needles to administer the solution to the muscle, so the procedure is highly tolerable. Still, if you are concerned about possible discomfort, he can apply a topical anesthetic. This will take at least 30 minutes to fully settle in. Still, the procedure itself is relatively quick; Dr. Tran will complete it within 20 minutes.

The Benefits of Neuromodulators

Numerous sessions might be needed to reach the desired look, but the process is the same. Here are some of the advantages that Botox and other neuromodulators have:

  • It is fast and effective
  • It offers little discomfort
  • There is no downtime
  • It creates natural-looking results
  • There’s no decrease in sensation or numbness in treated areas
  • The effects of injections are temporary but last several months

Aftercare Instructions and Results

After a series of injections, you will likely experience some irritation and mild swelling. For the first few hours after your session, you should avoid resting your head or lying down to prevent the formulation from migrating to another muscle unintentionally. For the first day, you should try to limit activities that make you sweat, touching your face, swimming, or showering. Though the solution will take action immediately, the full effects will not be noticeable for a few days. The longevity of the results will depend on whether you choose Botox, Xeomin Daxxify, or Dysport and how your body metabolizes the formulation.

Cost of Botox in San Jose

The cost of your neuromodulator injections will depend on the number of units you will require and any future touch-ups you may want. After evaluating your cosmetic goals, Dr. Tran will give you an accurate estimate for your treatment plan during your consultation. If he thinks you are better suited for dermal fillers or a combination of fillers with a neuromodulator, he will outline the total cost associated with a combined procedure.

To get a quote for one of the most popular non-surgical treatments available today, call True You in San Jose at (408) 223-8818 or fill out our contact form.


Does Botox hurt?

Botox® treatment is quick and virtually painless. Because it is injected with a needle, patients are usually concerned with whether or not the procedure is painful. Fortunately, the needles used during this treatment are often extremely fine and only a tiny amount of medication is needed, causing a minimal amount of discomfort. If you prefer, your injector can apply a topical anesthetic cream and/or ice compress for several minutes before the treatment to numb the area.

What are the side effects of neuromodulators? 

Like most medical procedures, neuromodulator injections come with a few side effects, but they are generally quite mild. You might feel slight pain or numbness around the injection site for a short period after the procedure.

How many neuromodulator injections will I need?

Every person is different, of course, and your injector can help you determine how many treatments you may need to reach the desired effect you are looking for. Depending on the muscles that surround your unwanted wrinkles, the number of units for forehead wrinkles, between-the-eyebrow lines, and crow’s feet will vary. It will also depend on which formulation of botulinum toxin you use. 


  1. Padda IS, Tadi P. Botulinum Toxin. PubMed. Published 2022. 
  2. Bentivoglio AR, Fasano A, Ialongo T, Soleti F, Lo Fermo S, Albanese A. Outcome predictors, efficacy and safety of Botox and Dysport in the long-term treatment of hemifacial spasm. European Journal of Neurology. 2009;16(3):392-398. doi: 
  3. Walker TJ, Dayan SH. Comparison and Overview of Currently Available Neurotoxins. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. 2014;7(2):31-39. Accessed June 20, 2024.

Learn more about Botox®

For more information about how you can benefit from Botox®, call the office or use the online scheduler to make an appointment.


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